Adult Craft Kits Available

November CRAFT KIT: DIY Butter Candles PICK UP A FREE CRAFT SUPPLY KIT @ UMFPL (while supplies last) KITS AVAILABLE STARTING November 4

Library Closed- Election Day

The library is closed to the general public on Election Day. Upper Moreland Ward 4-2 voters will vote in the library Community Room. 

Cook Your Way Through… The Pretty Dish

REGISTER HERE! UMFPL COOKBOOK DISCUSSION GROUP: The Pretty Dish by Jessica Merchant This discussion takes place virtually on Zoom. Meeting Log-in information will be emailed to registered participants on or…
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Baby Story Time

Baby Story Time Fridays at 10am All caregivers and kiddos are welcome for stories, rhymes, songs and fun movement designed for newborns through 18 months. Held in the UMFPL Children’s…
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Reading with Fuzzy Friends

**RESERVE YOUR SPOT HERE** Space is limited for this event!  To ensure participation in this activity please arrive within 5 minutes of your selected time. Walk-ins and late arrivals will…
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