Online Resources

Our Digital Winter!

Creativebug Online video arts and crafts workshops, fun for the whole family! UMFPL
Universal Class Ready to learn something new? Take a class at your own pace through Universal Class.  UMFPL
Overdrive downloadable books: Too beautiful to stay inside? Go for a walk and listen to a new book! MC
UMPFL Author Talks: Or grab a blanket and a warm drink and live stream interviews with popular authors! UMFPL
NEW!! Consumer Reports Comparison shop, anytime, anywhere. Just need your library card! UMFPL
NEW!! LegalForms From premarital agreements to wills, LegalForms has state specific, customizable legal forms for most legal procedures. UMFPL
NEW!! AtoZ World Food Thousands of recipes, cooking information, ingredient descriptions and more from around the globe. UMFPL

Our Online Resources include resources available to UMFPL cardholders (UMFPL), Montgomery County Cardholders (MC), All Pennsylvania Library Cardholders (PA), and a small collection of curated links to free websites. (F)

Find our resources below by category

Arts & Entertainment

  • American Archive: Historic programs of publicly funded radio and television across America. (F)
  • Author Talks: LIVE virtual author events from bestselling authors through the Library Speakers Consortium! (UMFPL)
  • hoopla: Download eBooks, movies, music, & more! (UMFPL)
  • Kanopy: On-Demand streaming video with over 30,000 films to choose from! (UMFPL)
  • YouTube: Check out UMFPL’s YouTube Channel to stay up to date with what is going on at the Library! (F)

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Books & Reading

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Career & Consumer Information

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Children, Parents & Teachers

  • BookFLIX: Watch videos and read books about animals, celebrations, nature, music, earth, & more! (PA)
  • Digital Citizenship: Common Sense Media’s guide on navigating technology in a safe, responsible, & smart way. (F)
  • Digital Storytime: UMFPL’s YouTube Channel! (UMFPL)
  • Gale in Context Elementary: Information on topics such as animals, geography, health, literature, and more.(PA)
  • ParentTV: Parenting resources at your fingertips from world renowned experts and educators. (UMFPL)
  • Scholastic Teachables:  Tens of thousands of printable educational materials created by teachers (MC)
  • TumbleBooks: Moving, talking, picture books. Great for fun & for learning. (UMFPL)
  • TRUE FLIX: Learn about people, places, history, & science with videos & eBooks (PA)

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Genealogy & History

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Health & Wellness

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Human Services

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Lifelong Learning

  •  NEW!! AtoZ World Food Thousands of recipes, cooking information, ingredient descriptions and more from around the globe.
  • Creativebug: Online video arts and crafts workshops and techniques.  (UMFPL)
  • A Public Library Association curated collection of free course materials used for digital literacy courses, and self-directed computer trainings. (F)
  • FREE Drivers Ed with up-to-date, driver’s license tests and “exam simulators”. (UMFPL)
  • Mango Languages: Learn more than 35 languages quickly and easily! (MC)
  • Transparent Online Language: You can learn any of the 120+ languages, including American Sign Language! (PA)
  • Universal Class: More than 500 online classes available at your pace & the time of your choosing. (UMFPL)

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