Donate Books & Materials

Donations are accepted with the understanding that the materials become the property of the Upper Moreland Free Public Library and can be added to the library collection, sold at library sales, or recycled. Also, at the library’s discretion, the materials may be distributed throughout the community, to promote literacy or cultural enrichment.
  • Donate materials in boxes or bags (weighing no more than 30 lbs.) that you do not need returned to you
  • Donate up to 4 boxes/bags at one time

The Library is pleased to accept:

  • Hardcover and paperback fiction & nonfiction less than 10 years old
  • Clean “like new” copies of classic (older than 10 years) titles
  • Gently used children’s books
  • Original music CDs or DVDs with original packaging
  • Vintage or rare items in good condition
  • Puzzles in good condition with all pieces

We do not accept:
■ Textbooks                                        ■ Dated information
■ Magazines                                        ■ Encyclopedias
■ Video or audio tapes                      ■ Reader’s Digest Condensed Books
■ Time-Life Sets                                 ■ Workbooks
■ Record Albums
■ Books in poor condition (yellowed pages, broken bindings, smelly)

Tax Receipts: Receipts are provided. Donors are responsible for counting/appraising donated materials.

Thank you for choosing to donate to Upper Moreland Free Public Library!