About the Library Board

The UMFPL Board of Trustees is formed of seven volunteer residents of Upper Moreland Township and appointed Upper Moreland Township commissioner(s).

Ethics Statement for UMFPL Library Trustees

  • Trustees in the capacity of trust upon them shall observe ethical standards with absolute truth, integrity and honor.
  • Trustees must avoid situations in which personal interests might be served or financial benefits gained at the expense of library users, colleagues, or the situation.
  • It is incumbent upon any trustee to disqualify himself/herself immediately whenever the appearance of a conflict of interest exists.
  • Trustees must distinguish clearly in their actions and statements between their personal philosophies and attitudes and those of the institution, acknowledging the formal position of the board even if they personally disagree.
  • A trustee must respect the confidential nature of library business while being aware and in compliance with applicable laws governing freedom of information.

BOT position description and responsibilities

2024 Board of Trustees

Moureen Wenik is the Community Program Manager for the PHACE Syndrome Community, a patient advocacy organization supporting families and individuals born with a rare disorder called PHACE syndrome. Moureen’s nonprofit management and leadership experience started at the YMCA, where she dedicated 28 years to the mission of serving the community. Her love for service translated well to the rare disorder space where she began working with patient advocacy organizations to help them find better cures and treatments through research, and support those who are affected by a rare disorder. Moureen’s passion for community continues in her volunteer role as a Youth Aid Panel member, a program through the Montgomery County District Attorney’s office working with first time juvenile offenders. She serves on the Upper Moreland Parks and Recreation Advisory Council and the Shade Tree Commission, and is a board member for the Farmstead Alliance of Upper Moreland. Moureen also volunteers with her high school alumni association, raising money for scholarships for outgoing seniors. Moureen holds a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from Gwynedd Mercy University, and holds a certificate in nonprofit management from the Nonprofit Center at LaSalle University.

Why I serve: I believe that the library is a lifeline for all members of the community. The programs and resources available are beyond the “books on the shelf” and offers something for everyone, of every age. I serve because I want to be sure the library continues to be a pillar in the community, and that everyone continues to have access to this free and much needed resource.

David Hakes joined the UMFPL Board of Trustees in 2019, served as Board Treasurer for 3 years and currently serves as the Finance Committee Chair. David and his wife Paulette have lived in Upper Moreland since 1993 and all four of their children attended and graduated from the Upper Moreland Township School District. David works in the Biotechnology industry and has previously served in other volunteer roles in the community, as a coach with Upper Moreland Little League and Upper Moreland Soccer Club and as a member of the School Board.

Tony is a general dentist who lives and practices in Upper Moreland Township. He attended La Salle University, Montclair State University and  Temple Dental School.   He raised three children, with his wife Karen and all his children remain in the area. Each share their parents love of public service and community.

Volunteering has always been an integral part of his life, beginning at college where he was a member of a service fraternity, extending into dental school and finally private practice. Upon graduating dental school Tony was a member of the Public Health Corps, serving those who had unmet dental needs. His philosophy is simply, “ you are either part of the problem or part of the solution”

Tony has severed on many boards including Rotary, Pheasants Forever, Philadelphia Dental Clinic Club and HealthLink Dental Clinic, where he was a founding dentist, dental director and Board Chair. He continues to practice at the clinic where the working uninsured are provided free dental care.

Why I serve: I began my love affair with libraries as a young child, who rode a bicycle to the library each day. Books were an invitation to adventures and destinations I never could have imagined. I very recently rediscovered this love through the Upper Moreland Free Public Library. I was so taken with the services and products provided by the library that I applied to become a Board of Trustee.  Today’s library is so much more than books, we have programs for every age and intellect. Truly a place for everyone and everything.

Jay has been a resident of UMT for over 20 years and worked as a buyer in retail before embarking on a 35+ year career as a manufacturer's representative. He has owned his own agency for the past five years.

Why I serve: I believe a good library is a crucial part in the education of our children - not just reading and books, but exposure to the arts and the community, as well. As a long-time borrower, I decided to join the board of trustees as a way of giving back to the library and helping to secure its future.

Diane Walton has been a resident in Upper Moreland for close to 55 years. She completed her undergraduate and graduate work at Cabrini College in Radnor, Pa., earning a Master’s Degree in Education. Currently, she is an Academic Interventionist working with K - 6th students. At school, she runs family engagement events such as Family Math Night, Meet the Authors Reading Night, and Scholastic Book Fairs. She serves as the Home and School liaison.

Why I serve: I had been looking for an opportunity to volunteer in some capacity within Upper Moreland Township. It is a great place to live and has much to offer. I was excited when the opportunity to serve on the Board of Trustees for the library became available. Educators strive to create life long learners and I believe libraries are partners to that end.

Marianne Watson moved to Upper Moreland with her husband David and their three children in 2016. Marianne holds a Bachelor of Psychology from West Chester University. She works for the nonprofit One House at a Time (OHAAT), an organization with a mission to end child bedlessness in Greater Philadelphia. Marianne also volunteers as a co-leader with the Girl Scouts, and she and her husband built and steward the little free library at Woodlawn Park.

Why I serve: I'm honored to support UMFPL as a cornerstone of our community where everyone can explore, interact, and imagine.

Megan Friedmann has called Upper Moreland home for 8 years and values the small-town atmosphere and has enjoyed putting down roots here.  She earned her BSW at Temple University in 2013 and boasts a lengthy career within the social service field, having worked in the non-profit and public sectors for 15+ years.

Why I serve:  One of my favorite quotes is "Reading gives you a place to go when you have to stay where you are" - Mason Cooley, and this was never more true during the Covid pandemic!  Having moved around a lot when I was younger, I knew everything would be OK as long as I found the local library.  Libraries are a sanctuary and truly the heart of a community. I wanted to be involved with the board to give back and ensure that UMFPL continues to enrich the life of Upper Moreland residents and visitors.

Anthony began his first term as Ward 6 Comissioner in 2024.  Anthony serves as a member of the Public Health & Safety and Parks and Recreation Committees, and is an appointed Commissioner Representative to the UMFPL Board of Trustees.


Ben began his first term as Ward 2 Comissioner in 2024.  Ben serves as a member of the Finance & Administrative, and Parks and Recreation Committees, and is an appointed Commissioner Representative to the UMFPL Board of Trustees.